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Showing posts from 2015

Juicing since 2013

Juicing and Maca Powder In the last few years a new diet fad has emerged, everyone seems to be trying this  thing called juicing. I too became a victim of the "juicing" trend in December of 2013,  when I found myself buying my juicer. Here are a few pictures of the ingredients that I love to use for my juices. After trying many different recipes, this is my favorite "The Green Machine": Spinach Kale  1 celery stick  1 carrot  1/2 an orange  1/2 an apple  Hand full of parsley  1/4 a large cucumber  1/4 a lemon  1 in ginger  Finish with a table spoon of maca powder. This juice is rich in vitamins. It provides a lot of natural energy and gets you going!  I always use about an inch of a ginger root per juice. It adds a lot of flavor and a little spice.  I try to make my juices low on sugar therefore I only use 1 carrot 1/2 an orange and 1/2 an apple. This ...

Steven's Creek Trail

If there is one word that I can use to describe myself, it would definitely be an explorer! I'd love to explore a lot more than I get to, but I guess this thing called life, requires some balancing. Not too long ago I finally went on a hike, that I've been planning on going since I moved to Northern California almost a year ago! It's called Steven's Trail, about 50  minutes east of Sacramento.   I use AllTrail app on my  iPhone to find hikes, and this particular one was marked as  an 'easy' hike, despite it being 9 miles. I figured, perhaps it's just a nice little walk along a creek. Thank God I packed a small snack and a full camelbak of water! I mean, I know I haven't hiked in a while, but this, by no means was an easy hike. The elevation, the hills, the ups and downs, the rocks and its 9 miles! I don't know which pro graded that hike, but I would definitely give it at least a moderate difficulty. Nonetheless, It was a good morning exercise. I fel...

Bucket List Things...

Last summer I was fortunate enough to take a 3 month trip to Europe. It was surreal, I honestly didn't even have it on my bucket list. But some of the activities we did, were definitely checked off. Doing something that is written on my bucket list in real life, gives me an unbelievable satisfaction. On top of that awesome feeling, I also get motivated to achieve the next thing on my list. My list is endless! There is SO much I want to accomplish!  Today I want to share my experience doing something that has been on my list for a long time: White River Rafting! I have always wanted to do it but it never worked out, until last weekend. This time it worked out so perfect, it was worth the wait!  We were lucky to get a private tour guide who was the coolest dude, ever! He has been rafting for over 40 years, so his experience was unbeatable and it showed when we started rafting.  Our 10 mile trip took us over 6 hours because our tour guide made sure that we woul...

Procrastination...The death of me...

Ahh! How frustrating! I haven't written, nor kept the promises I made to you! I told you I was going to talk more about my trip to Europe. It has now been 13 months since I've been back! 13 months of me neglecting and avoiding a simple promise. I strongly dislike when people don't keep their promises, but how could I judge anyone at this point if I'm no better? I struggle with this thing called... procrastination. It's unfortunate that I let that slide. I would like to be a better me, and keep my promises (without the 13 months delay) I. I have dreams, I have goals but I've never really made a resolution. However this year I'm doing something different. No, I did not make resolutions... Something much better and a lot more fun. I took an empty jar and I have been writing my goals/wishes/accomplishments/things that made me laugh/things I did that I haven't done before/things I still would like to do this year on a piece of paper and putting those in the ...