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Procrastination...The death of me...

Ahh! How frustrating! I haven't written, nor kept the promises I made to you! I told you I was going to talk more about my trip to Europe. It has now been 13 months since I've been back! 13 months of me neglecting and avoiding a simple promise. I strongly dislike when people don't keep their promises, but how could I judge anyone at this point if I'm no better? I struggle with this thing called... procrastination. It's unfortunate that I let that slide. I would like to be a better me, and keep my promises (without the 13 months delay) I. I have dreams, I have goals but I've never really made a resolution. However this year I'm doing something different. No, I did not make resolutions... Something much better and a lot more fun. I took an empty jar and I have been writing my goals/wishes/accomplishments/things that made me laugh/things I did that I haven't done before/things I still would like to do this year on a piece of paper and putting those in the jar. At the end of this year I will open my jar to see all the memories I made in 2015. Anyhow that is completely off topic, but I felt like sharing that with you. Back to my trip.

Where to start. I still get asked about places and I absolutely love sharing my experience and knowledge with people. I want to help those who are about to go and explore Europe. So if a trip like that is on your agenda, ask away.

I want to start by telling you where exactly I went this summer, since in my earlier blog I only said the number of countries. Here is the list of countries and cities I visited while I was in Europe:
Sweden- Stockholm
UK- London,  Kettering
Ireland- Dublin
Switzerland- Lucern, Zurich
Italy- Milan, Florence, Pisa, Rome, Venice, Naples, Positano, Capri
Croatia- Split
Czech Republic- Prague
Germany- Munich, Schwangau
Netherlands- Amsterdam, Noordwijk
France- Paris, Nice, Monaco, Cap-d'Ail
Spain- Barcelona, Ibiza
Greece- Mikonos, Crete, Athens
Estonia- Tallinn, Sonda, Kiviõli, Alajõe Parish
Finland- Turku

*While in Europe, we met some awesome people and ended up taking a road trip from Croatia to Germany. We drove for 2 days, through Slovenia and Austria. We spent the night in Slovenia.  Although we didn't get a chance to do touristy things, we saw so many different cities and the beauty those counties had to offer.

There is so much to see in all these places and I want to start with Sweden- which was our first stop.

It was so surreal that I don't even think we understood we're in Europe until the next day! In Sweden we stayed at someone's house, therefor I cannot give you much information about Hostels/Hotels. However I will share our activities, and things I loved most. If you're traveling in June, you're in for a treat! White nights. It never gets dark and you just never know what time it is, unless of course you look at the time. The first night we were exhausted and jet lagged, so besides going to a restaurant for a quick bite and taking the train we did not experience much of Stockholm. It was a cool little restaurant, a few blocks away from the Central train station, in an alley. It had a little patio seating. It seemed fairly busy, so we decided to give it a shot. Don't quote me on this, but I think it was called something bar. For the passed few days I have tried to find the exact name but I've had no luck. It turns out I paid cash, because I checked my credit card statement and there was nothing; and of course I didn't check in on faceboook, even though I swear I remember checking in; I also checked my instagram, in case I posted a "yay I'm in Sweden" picture, but of course, of course I did not. I know they had free wifi because I was texting....OMG!!!! Light bulb!!! I just realize that I can pull up my location from the text messages. It was called FREYS Bar! I love how writing things out, leads you to the answer! This is why I love to write. Anyways! Now that the mystery is solved I wanted to share with you about the actual place. It was a cool vibe. They had a good beer selection (Belgium) I wish I had all of  my notes saved so I could share what I ate or if I ate because maybe I was just drinking, but of course my phone crashed a few days ago and I had to get a new one and I never even backed up my old one. Sometimes I feel like I'm living in the old age where I just don't do all the right things I'm supposed to do with my electronic devises. Let me tell you though... I learned this time. If I recall correctly, we shared a basket of fry's and drank some beers. We weren't hungry since we went there right after we landed, where they fed us for 10 hours straight during our flight.

Night Life.
I liked night life in Stockholm. Pretty strict clubs/bars. Even though the legal age to drink is 18 most of the clubs have a legal age of 23 to enter. A few spots were 20-21, but I don't recall any of them being 18.
We met locals who took us around to awesome clubs and bars. We went to 4-5 places, forgive me it's a bit blurry to recall. However, I do remember that we went to a lounge called the Ardbeg Embassy where we had some champagne. It was a pretty classy place. Rather upscaled clientele. After this lounge we proceeded to East4. Restaurant by day bar/club by night. It was packed! This place had a good size patio, an outside bar and a dance floor, 2 inside bars, another dance floor (indoor), and the restaurant space. Even though it was summer time, it was still a little chilly outside, but they had heaters on the patio, so the atmosphere was comfy.

Of course Starbucks is there if you really want it, but I didn't fly all the way across the globe to have something I have down the street from my house. We chose a spot called Cafe Cronan. Lovely spot. Good prices. They have breakfast and lunch menu. They also had pastries. I had a breakfast sandwich with coffee. We sat on a patio where they provided blankets in case you get cold. Also free wifi and free refill on coffee! You cannot go wrong with that. I give 5 stars!

Another breakfast cafe we went to was called John Chris. This place also had great food and a good breakfast and lunch selection. As well as free coffee refill. Patio seating. WIFI passcode is printed on your receipt, they don't advertise it. No blankets :(

We tried a couple of spots for lunch. One was called the Temple Bar. We sat on the patio. They offer blankets by request. We got lucky with the weather that day, it was gorgeous outside. Menu was mostly American food. Burgers, fries, wings...etc It was pretty good, nothing to brag about, nor to complain about. Service was good. Prices were also pretty good. ($13-$20/meal)
Medis Kok and Bar was another lunch place we went to. This place was huge! Patio seating had at least 50 tables! They offer blankets, which was one of my favorite accessories these places offered :)

We went to a place called Vau De Ville. If you're traveling on a budget you might want to stay away from this place. Although it wasn't too expensive, it was def much more upscaled than the rest of the places in Sweden we had. Sweden is a pretty expensive/luxurious country so we knew we would spend more here than, lets say Greece. This was our last night here and we wanted to eat good food and have a good bottle of champagne to celebrate. Eve though it was a celebration the night before with a bunch of Swedish people, we felt the need to have a little girl time to ourselves. I was not disappointed with the place at all. Great service! Great food! And of course the champagne was just a cherry on top of it all!.

Here you guys are! I finally blogged about Sweden! I really hope to blog more often about variety of things. 

As Always Stay Classy My Friends <3


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