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Juicing since 2013

Juicing and Maca Powder

In the last few years a new diet fad has emerged, everyone seems to be trying this
 thing called juicing. I too became a victim of the "juicing" trend in December of 2013,
 when I found myself buying my juicer. Here are a few pictures of the ingredients that
I love to use for my juices.

After trying many different recipes, this is my favorite
"The Green Machine":
1 celery stick 
1 carrot
 1/2 an orange
 1/2 an apple
 Hand full of parsley 
1/4 a large cucumber
 1/4 a lemon 
1 in ginger
 Finish with a table spoon of maca powder.
This juice is rich in vitamins. It provides a lot of natural energy and gets you going! 
I always use about an inch of a ginger root per juice. It adds a lot of flavor and a
little spice. 
I try to make my juices low on sugar therefore I only use 1 carrot 1/2 an orange
and 1/2 an apple.
This particular juice is also alkaline high. So it works as a preventative to many
diseases including cancer. 

Another great one is
"The System Flush"
 1 medium beet
 1 tomato
 1/2 cucumber
1 celery stick
1/2 lemon
 Finish with a table spoon of maca powder.

If you are having a sweet tooth, instead of candy, choose a juice that will have
more fruits than veggies. For example
"The Sweet Relief"
1 Kale leaf
Hint of Parsley
 2 orange
 1 apple
 2 carrots
 1/2 cucumber
 Finish with a table spoon of maca powder.

 Even though this juice will be pretty high on sugar, it is a way better alternative
to candy or cake. 

If you are unfamiliar with maca powder here is what it is.

 After doing some research I found that maca has many benefits, so I decided to give it a try.
 For best deal go to 
Delivery was fast and the bag lasts a while.


Within days of using maca your energy level may increase.
 It is also known for increasing stamina. Many athletes take maca for peak performance. 
If you find yourself tired most of the time, experiment with maca to see if it helps. 
Just a small amount could be exactly what you need for a boost!
General health
Maca helps your overall health in a number of ways. It supplies iron and helps restore 
red blood cells, which aids anemia and cardiovascular diseases. Maca keeps your bones and 
teeth healthy and allows you to heal from wounds more quickly. When used in conjunction 
with a good workout regime you will notice an increase in muscle mass.
But be very cautious if you have a cancer related to hormones like 
testicular and ovarian, among others. If you have liver issues or high blood pressure you 
should ask your doctor before taking maca.
Many take macs for skin issues, as for some people it helps to clear acne and blemishes. 
Another benefit for your skin is that is decreases sensitivity. In hot or cold weather,
 maca may help your skin withstand extreme temperatures.
Mood balance
If you find yourself overcome with anxiety, stress, depression or mood swings, maca may
 help alleviate these symptoms, though of the evidence is anecdotal. 
Some have reported an increase in mental energy and focus.
Maca is rich in vitamin B vitamins, C, and E. It provides plenty of calcium, zinc, 
iron, magnesium, phosphorous and amino acids.
Sexual function
Maca is widely used to promote sexual function of both men and women. It serves as a boost
 to your libido and increases endurance. At the same time it balances your
 hormones and increases fertility.
Women’s health and mood
Maca relieves menstrual issues and menopause. It alleviates cramps, body pain, hot flashes, 
anxiety, mood swings, and depression. If you are pregnant or lactating you
 should avoid taking maca.

Maca, a root that belongs to the radish family, is grown in the mountains of Peru.
 Sometimes called “Peruvian ginseng,” maca’s benefits have been long valued, 
and now have been rediscovered as a supplement and ingredient.
 Maca comes in pill, liquid and powder form.

There are no known side effects of maca but like any other supplement it 
should not be taken in large amounts. When you first start using maca it’s best to
 begin by taking smaller amounts and building up; even 1/2 teaspoon is a good 
place to start. And at the other end, 1 tablespoons (of the powder) is an average daily dose. 
Rotating a few days on and a few days off is often recommended. 
Taking too much can lead to adverse effects and throw your hormones out of whack.
 If you experience this, you should take less or wean yourself off completely.

Maca is good in smoothies, salads, drinks, cooked foods, and juices. 
Don’t add it to anything that’s very hot because it will lose all its benefits. 
The taste can be a bit odd at first but it gets more tolerable and it depends on 
what you mix it with. Smoothies, puddings, and juices seem to be the best ways 
to use maca powder. Capsules are best to get past the taste.

As Always Stay Classy My Friends <3


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