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Showing posts from November, 2015

Juicing since 2013

Juicing and Maca Powder In the last few years a new diet fad has emerged, everyone seems to be trying this  thing called juicing. I too became a victim of the "juicing" trend in December of 2013,  when I found myself buying my juicer. Here are a few pictures of the ingredients that I love to use for my juices. After trying many different recipes, this is my favorite "The Green Machine": Spinach Kale  1 celery stick  1 carrot  1/2 an orange  1/2 an apple  Hand full of parsley  1/4 a large cucumber  1/4 a lemon  1 in ginger  Finish with a table spoon of maca powder. This juice is rich in vitamins. It provides a lot of natural energy and gets you going!  I always use about an inch of a ginger root per juice. It adds a lot of flavor and a little spice.  I try to make my juices low on sugar therefore I only use 1 carrot 1/2 an orange and 1/2 an apple. This ...

Steven's Creek Trail

If there is one word that I can use to describe myself, it would definitely be an explorer! I'd love to explore a lot more than I get to, but I guess this thing called life, requires some balancing. Not too long ago I finally went on a hike, that I've been planning on going since I moved to Northern California almost a year ago! It's called Steven's Trail, about 50  minutes east of Sacramento.   I use AllTrail app on my  iPhone to find hikes, and this particular one was marked as  an 'easy' hike, despite it being 9 miles. I figured, perhaps it's just a nice little walk along a creek. Thank God I packed a small snack and a full camelbak of water! I mean, I know I haven't hiked in a while, but this, by no means was an easy hike. The elevation, the hills, the ups and downs, the rocks and its 9 miles! I don't know which pro graded that hike, but I would definitely give it at least a moderate difficulty. Nonetheless, It was a good morning exercise. I fel...