I wanted to blog about something good, something interesting to the world, something valuable. I was thinking for a while: What can I blog about that would be catchy to people?
I did my research and after a while I started to lose motivation. And there, it came to me! I will blog about motivation.
Without motivation we aren't going to get anywhere in life. The key to success is patience. Nothing good comes easy! If everything in life happen easy, life would have been boring. There would be nothing to talk about. Notice how good, meaningful conversation are often about accomplishments, and no matter how lucky you are there is always a time when you had to work your ass off to get that done!
Besides patience you must be passionate about it. There is a quote I really like: Find what you love and let it kill you. Here are a few steps to keep yourself going.
1) Always set a goal. Write it, post it, print it, stick it on you wall, screen save it as your background...REPEAT! If it's taking you years to achieve it, do not give up, just think of how good the reward will be. When you have a clear goal, it makes it easier to accomplish it.

2) Have a VIVID image of why you want to achieve it. Again, write these reasons down, put it on your desk, make it visible for yourself.
3) You are guaranteed to fail 100%, if you never take the chance to do it! Don't sell yourself for less, ever! You deserve the best.
4) Persistence is huge when working towards the your goal. Many people lose motivation here. I have been a victim myself many times. I would give up if it didn't come to me as easy as I wanted to. But life thought me that the most successful people are those who are overly persistent in working toward their goals and dreams.
5) It's important to find inspiration. Find things that move you forward, people who make you happy and uplift you. Inspiration will help you reach your goal. It is important to get rid of negative environment. "Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you."Surround yourself with people who motivate you and who are motivated themselves. Replace negative thoughts by positive once. We are all going to fail at something, look at it as stepping stone you must pass on your journey moving toward success.
Now work towards your goals and as always,
Stay Classy My Friends <3
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