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Showing posts from February, 2016

Inspired to make this world a better place.

Today I want to talk about something completely different, than most of my posts have been thus far. Something that has been taking over our lives, more and more, each and every day. So many seconds, minutes and even HOURS a day are spent invested into useless things. I’m definitely guilty of the act; Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram… Although many social media channels are useful tools, most of the time I spend on this, is still being used on practically irrelevant subjects. I often catch myself making a perception of other people’s lives, based on what they post on social media. Isn’t this what You want people to believe your life is like?! Again, guilty. I post perfect moments, to make others believe my life is awesome and splendid. If you are not one of those people, I want to be more like you. This world NEEDS more humans like you, because in reality, this isn't the first time I’m having this talk with myself. This isn’t the first time I have come to realization that posting pe...